Kingdom Snipers Global NetworkÂ
Foundational Scriptures: Ezekiel 22:30, 1 Timothy 2:1
Welcome to Kingdom Snipers Global Network. A Intercessory Prayer Hub for watchman, gatekeepers, intercessors, and prayer warriors a prayer team that comes together in prayer and to be trained and equipped to overthrow the kingdom of darkness through deeper wells of intercession. Where the Kingdom of heaven is made manifest through prayer, fasting and consecration. We are skilled marksman, generals of prayer, faith and intercession. Weapons of mass destruction in the realm of the spirit. Dismantling the kingdom of darkness. Sniping out the enemy through prayer and consecration. Taking territories and shifting regions, cities and nations, in the land sea and air. Training, equipping, sharpening activating and raising up sharpshooters in the kingdom. Invading the earth through prayer.
Join us every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month for prayer at 9:00pm EST via Zenith TV Network, HOD Word Radio Network, Kingdom Snipers Facebook Page, and on other social media platforms.
Apostle Dr. Nicckay Natson Visionary/Founder
General of Intercession & Prayer/Watchmen/Gatekeeper
Dr. Nicckay Natson know as the General of Prayer and Intercession loves being in the presence of God. Intercession is at the heart of this precious woman of God. Intercession was birth out of Dr. Nicckay because of her own personal trials and having to go deeper in her prayer life and in her relationship with the Lord. She had to learn how to put her trust in God no matter what. It birth a warrior out of her in the realm of the spirit. She spends time in prayer and fasting and believes that this is an important part of intercessors and the life of the believer to gain strategies on living in this world but not being of this world. Dr. Nicckay is a Kingdom Sniper. She shifts things in the earth through her faith and her prayers. As a General of Prayer and Intercession, Dr. Nicckay raises up other intercessors by instructing, training and teaching them the strategies to become a sharpshooter and marksman in the spirit.

Overseer Pastor Salena Eason
Intercessor/Lead Ambassador
A Christian Counselor, Coach, Prayer Warrior, Spiritual Midwife, Gatherer of Intercessors, and Processor of Wisdom describes the ministry of Pastor Salena Eason. For over a decade, Pastor Salena has been impacting the lives of women by sharing her life testimony and principles that changed her to be the woman she is today. Pastor Salena doesn’t share the testimony of growing up in church, so her message is relevant to those coming from the streets. God has gifted her the ability to reach those that are overlooked, hurt, and sometimes unwanted in the church. Pastor Salena serves as the Overseer of Ministries at Birth Nation Worship Cathedral, she sits in the Prophet’s Cabin as Overseer of Protocol for Global Impact Apostolic Assemblies, where Bishop JQ Smith is the Presiding Prelate., and she is a Lead Ambassador of Kingdom Snipers Global Network Intercessory Prayer Team, where Apostle Nicckay Natson is the visionary. Pastor Salena’s greatest joy is mothering her 7 godchildren and two daughters, Antwane’ and Akiylah.

Minister Pat Hammonds
Patricia Hammonds devoted to the embrace of the Lord, trusts in him leaning not to her own understanding and in all her ways acknowledging him. At the age of 6 she began praying to an almighty God who later developed and set her side into the ministry of Intercession. Intercession has become her heart, a sincere believer of prayer.  She loves being prostrate before the Lord because in this place is where her healing and deliverance took place. She prays fervently knowing God answers her prayers and the prayers of others. Minister Patricia Hammonds holds the motivational gifts in the area of prophecy, teacher and an exhorter whose devotion is to use these gifts to do the will of the one who sent her. She is the developer and orchestrator of the Battle Room which teaches and equips others how to strategize their prayers preparing them for battle that they be able to stand without wavering. Minister Patricia Hammonds is married to Deacon James Hammonds and birthed in this union are two beautiful adult children and three adorable grandchildren.

Teacher Patricia Brown
Patricia Brown, a purposed, humble vessel and prayer warrior of God's Holy Kingdom, was born and raised in Hinesville, Ga. Even though she has known of the Lord at an early age due to being a preacher's daughter, she had a hunger and thirst for a true relationship with the Lord. Sickly, she began to pray and seek healing for her body and glorify God through worship, musically. In 2015 a Heavenly covenant was created when she met Apostles Alton and Nicckay Natson and they became her spiritual parents.
They have helped guide her and she carries their Spiritual DNA. In 2017, Patricia and her ex-husband, gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Eight weeks later, their healthy baby boy went back home to be with the Lord. While heart broken, they did not lose faith and Patricia found purpose in her pain, intercession and worship. She is now a soon-to-be author, entrepreneur, intercessor, prayer warrior, L.I.F.T.H.E.R, a Titus 2 Woman, Worship Leader, Kingdom Sniper, Psalmist and founder of Joy in Jesus (JJ) Inc all while Sniping Hell out of the Earth through prayer and intercession.
A teacher in the natural, Patricia is a Pre-K teacher and loves her students, in the spiritual she accepted and answered the call as Teacher in the five-fold ministry and is planted in Kingdom Global Alliance Network and is the Director of Education who oversee's the youth ministry, discipleship classes, new covenant classes, and bible study and also teaches in The Forerunners Center, and a life long learner and teacher in Kingdom Snipers Global Network. She is an anointed force in the Earth, ready to be equipped and equip others to be Fishers of Men. She is currently teaching in the natural and in the Spiritual. Her life is a testimony to God's grace, mercy, protection, and most importantly love.